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Take This & Nielsen report: how does a toxic community affect games revenue?

Take This & Nielsen, in their new report, have conducted a detailed analysis of how toxic players affect the overall profitability of a particular game. To do this, the company surveyed 2,048 players of different ages and gaming preferences. What came out of it - let's look at it together.

Safety in games in general is of great importance to the creators of all online games, but it is arguments related to finances that lead to rule changes and even mass bans! Let's take a brief look at the most important elements of this study:
  • 3 out of 4 players believe that it is crucial to feel safe in games. This trend is equally popular among both men and women.
  • Safety is a more important element for younger players than for older players.
  • 1 in 10 players feel that the gaming environment is unsafe or extremely unsafe for a comfortable experience.
  • according to every 4 players, there is no place for insults and hatred in games. At the same time, this thesis is supported more by women.
So what about the impact on gaming revenue?
The problem is that toxic players have an extremely negative impact on the overall game, its revenue and the total number of interested players. Actually, it is because of toxic players that developers often lose quite a good part of their potential income. And now to the numbers:
  • 21% of players spend less time in games with a toxic community. Less time means less overall stats and fewer potential customers.
  • 22% refuse to pay at all in such games, which is a loss of almost one fourth of potential revenue!
  • 3 out of 10 players will leave the game lobby if they encounter any kind of abuse.
Thus, it can be considered that the impact of the audience itself on both the game and each other is simply colossal. Players insult each other, because of this the total number of people willing to play and make any purchases drops by almost 25%, and this causes irreversible losses for the developers of the game itself. There is no one-size-fits-all solution to this problem, but I believe that stricter rules in games would help both make the environment safer and increase potential revenue.
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